Social Media

26th December 2016

Social Media Analytics Trends in 2017

A number of key trends are set for the social media space in 2017. Significantly, many hinge on what is both a broadening and deepening of […]
15th December 2016

How marketers can address the social media skills gap?

We all know that the rise of social media has revolutionised marketing and changed how businesses market themselves to, and engage with, customers. However, the rapid […]
4th December 2016

What are the most effective channels for influencer marketing?

From YouTube to Snapchat, the biggest social influencers usually have a presence across all social media channels. But what are the most effective? As the below […]
3rd December 2016

Should Traditional Firms Adopt Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing was recently hailed as ‘fantastically powerful’ at an E2Exchange event, where leading entrepreneurs gather to look at scaling up their businesses. Whilst social […]
30th November 2016

Three Steps to Doing Social Media With a Purpose

Here are the three simple steps help you do social media with a clear purpose: 1. Know the Flow Since leads are critical to any business, […]
18th November 2016

How Sound is your Social Media?

To kick things off let’s get the social media usage stats on the table. In the UK Facebook has about 32 million users, YouTube has slightly […]
16th November 2016

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content […]
9th November 2016

Tech brands are most talked about on social media

Tech companies make up 63% of all brands mentions on social media in the UK, according to a new report by Netbase. The social analytics platform […]
21st October 2016

Buzzfeed set to use branded content on TV for first time

Buzzfeed is set to use its branded content on TV for the first time as it doubles the size and investment of its European headquarters in […]